Readers, Linguists, Musicians, and Writers alike - Welcome.
You’ve found my digital home - a place where I showcase my writing on various platforms while building and curating multiple subjects at once. Put your feet up, and stay awhile. If I had a pantry, it would be overflowing with words. My hamper? Dripping in denim and descriptions, shoved under a throw blanket of blatant originality, soaked in an utter refusal to be anything but ordinary.
It would be nice if I fit into a box. You know - the neat, wrapped-up kind with a little bow. Convenient, easy to market, typical. Maybe a sensible pencil skirt or two. And there’s nothing wrong with any of this.
But it’s not me.
I’ve never been able to fit into any one creative category. And I certainly don’t plan on starting now. I’m not typical - and neither is my writing. I’m a novelist, editor, music critic, and publishing consultant all at once. And I became all these things while graduating from college.
If you decide to embrace my unique floorplan, and my bold style all housed under this badass blonde umbrella, then you’ll see what I mean. My natural passion for stringing words together that sing, and prose that floats across the page will be at your service. I’ll take who you are and shine up your words to be the most “you” you’ve ever been.